2-6 August 2021
Asia/Seoul timezone
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Probing doubly charged scalar bosons from the doublet at the HL-LHC

4 Aug 2021, 12:15




Kazuki Enomoto (Osaka University)


In the SM, it is assumed that there is only one kind of scalar field, the isodoublet with Y=1/2. On the other hand, many models beyond the SM include extensions of the scalar potential, and some of them predict the charged scalar states. One of interesting candidates is the doubly charged scalar bosons from the isodoublet with Y=3/2. However, phenomenology of them had not been fully investigated. We have investigated how to probe them at the future HL-LHC, and we have found that it would be possible to observe the signal of the doubly charged scalars by using appropriate kinematical cuts unless their mass is too large. In this talk, I will introduce the results of our analyses. This talk is based on K. Enomoto, S. Kanemura, K. Katayama, arXiv:2102.12950[hep-ph].

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