Multimessenger and astrophysics probes of dark matter 1
- Ryuichiro Kitano (KEK)
Multimessenger and astrophysics probes of dark matter 1
- Jong-Chul Park (Chungnam National University)
Multimessenger and astrophysics probes of dark matter 1
- Yong Tang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
We present prospects for discovering dark matter scattering in gravitational wave detectors. The focus of this work is on light, particle dark matter with masses below 1 GeV/c2. We investigate how a potential signal compares to typical backgrounds like thermal and quantum noise, first in a simple toy model and then using KAGRA as a realistic example. That shows that for a discovery much...
We study the stochastic background of gravitational waves which accompany the sudden freeze-out of dark matter triggered by a cosmological first order phase transition that endows dark matter with mass. We consider models that produce the measured dark matter relic abundance via (1) bubble filtering, and (2) inflation and reheating, and show that gravitational waves from these mechanisms are...
Quasinormal modes (QNMs) of perturbed black holes have recently gained much interest because of their tight relations with the gravitational wave signals emitted during the post-merger phase of a binary black hole coalescence. One of the intriguing features of these modes is that they respect the no-hair theorem, and hence, they can be used to test black hole spacetimes and the underlying...
Unusual masses of the black holes being discovered by gravitational wave experiments pose fundamental questions about the origin of these black holes. More interestingly, black holes with masses smaller than the Chandrasekhar limit (~1.4 solar mass)? are essentially impossible to produce through any standard stellar evolution. Black holes of primordial origin, with fine-tuned parameters and...
We study gamma-ray line signatures from electroweakly interacting non-abelian spin-1 dark matter (DM). In this model, Z_2-odd spin-1 particles including DM candidate have the SU(2)_L triplet-like features, and the Sommerfeld enhancement significantly affects the annihilation processes. The spin-1 DM system has additional partial wave contributions with the higher total spin angular...
The discovery of diffuse sub-PeV gamma-rays by the Tibet ASγ collaboration promises to revolutionize our understanding of the high-energy astrophysical universe. It has been shown that this data broadly agrees with prior theoretical expectations. In this talk, We will discuss the impact of this discovery on a well-motivated new physics scenario: PeV-scale decaying dark matter (DM). Considering...