26-28 November 2021
Jeju Hidden Cliff (제주 히든 클리프 호텔)
Asia/Seoul timezone

Flux-mediated Dark Matter

26 Nov 2021, 16:15
3F OPUS (Jeju Hidden Cliff (제주 히든 클리프 호텔))


Jeju Hidden Cliff (제주 히든 클리프 호텔)



Ji-Seon Song (Chung-Ang University)


We propose a new mechanism to communicate between fermion dark matter and the SM only through the four-form flux. The four-form couplings are responsible for the relaxation of the Higgs mass to the correct value and the initial displacement of the reheating pseudo-scalar field from the minimum. We show that the simultaneous presence of the pseudo-scalar coupling to fermion DM and the flux-induced Higgs mixing gives rise to unsuppressed annihilations of DM into the SM particles at present, whereas the direct detection bounds from XENON1T can be avoided.

Presentation Materials