26-28 November 2021
Jeju Hidden Cliff (제주 히든 클리프 호텔)
Asia/Seoul timezone

Investigating the Long-lived particles and its properties at colliders

27 Nov 2021, 17:00
3F OPUS (Jeju Hidden Cliff (제주 히든 클리프 호텔))


Jeju Hidden Cliff (제주 히든 클리프 호텔)



Dong Woo Kang (KIAS)


Long-lived particles appear in many new physics models.
Especially, the particle with decay length below 1 m can generate various displaced signatures at the colliders and such events are expected to have low background. There are huge opportunities in this lifetime parameter. In this context, we study not only the experimental reach of the LLP searches at colliders (LHC, HL-LHC, Belle II) but also how to reconstruct the event with displaced vertex and missing energy which can provide the understanding for the underlying new physics. We also give challenges and future prospects of the LLP searches.

Presentation Materials