21-23 October 2022
Lavalse Hotel Busan 2F
Asia/Seoul timezone

Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter with PTOLEMY-like Experiment

21 Oct 2022, 20:15
Lavalse Hotel Busan 2F

Lavalse Hotel Busan 2F


Erdenebulgan Lkhagvadorj


We study the detection prospect of the cosmic background of sterile neutrinos in PTOLEMY-like experiments. The sterile neutrino with mass ranges between sub-eV - 10 keV may contribute to the local number density of dark matter candidates. While, in the literature, 100% of the sterile neutrino dark matter was assumed, however we assume that sterile neutrino could be sub-component of dark matter. In this study, we calculate the capture rate for different models consistent with other constraints as dark matter in the PTOLEMY-like experiments. We show the results in the parameter space of active-sterile neutrino mixing and mass of sterile neutrinos consistent with the current constraints of other experiments. Our preferred mass range of the sterile neutrinos could reach a sensitivity of PTOLEMY in the near future.

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