The High Energy Physics 109 workshop

Saturday, 5 October 2024 - 10:00
Science Hall, Yonsei University (326, 327)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
5 Oct 2024
10:00 Revealing Dark Matter through Red Giants - Prof. Chang Sub Shin (Chungnam Natl. University)   (326, 327)
11:00 Holographic light dilaton at the conformal edge - Dr Sang Hui Im (IBS-CTPU )   (326, 327)
12:00 Lunch   (326, 327)
13:00 Factorization in Linearized Gravity - Prof. Seong Youl Choi (Jeonbuk Natl. University)   (326, 327)
14:00 Asymptotic Symmetry for Logarithmic Soft Theorem - Dr Sangmin Choi   (326, 327)
15:00 TBA - Prof. Sunok (Josephine) Suh   (326, 327)
16:00 Generalized symmetry constraints on deformed 4d (S)CFTs - Prof. Jaewon Song   (326, 327)