2-6 August 2021
Asia/Seoul timezone
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Does existence of dark matter imply grand unification?

2 Aug 2021, 11:45




Yoshihiko Abe (Kyoto Univ.)


A pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson (pNGB) is an attractive dark matter candidate escaping naturally the severe direct ditection constraint. In the previous work, we discussed pNGB dark matter from gauged U(1){B-L} model. In this work, we will consider the further UV completion of the pNGB dark matter model via embedding to a SO(10) grand unified theory. The grand unification determines the some free parameters in the gauged U(1){B-L} model such as U(1){B-L} gauge coupling, the kinetic mixing and U(1){B-L} breaking scale. For these parameters, we will discuss whether the pNGB can realize the current dark matter relic consistent with the observations. This talk is based on the collaboration with Takashi Toma, Koji Tsumura and Naoki Yamatsu, arXiv:2104.13523 [hep-ph].

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