26-28 November 2021
Jeju Hidden Cliff (제주 히든 클리프 호텔)
Asia/Seoul timezone

Self-interacting dark matter with u-channel resonances

26 Nov 2021, 15:00
3F OPUS (Jeju Hidden Cliff (제주 히든 클리프 호텔))


Jeju Hidden Cliff (제주 히든 클리프 호텔)



Hyun Min Lee (Chung-Ang University)


We consider a new mechanism for enhancing the self-scattering of dark matter without a light mediator or a sub-GeV dark matter. The mechanism relies on the u-channel resonance from a dark matter particle in models with at least two components of dark matter with self-couplings. We develop the Bethe-Salpeter formalism for obtaining the non-perturbative cross section and the Sommerfeld enhancement factor for two-component dark matter and discuss the implications for dark matter self-scattering and annihilation and a model building with multi-component dark matter.

Presentation Materials