We explore the impact of neutral-current non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI) on the propagation of atmospheric neutrinos using the future experiments, DUNE and HK as well as the future planned KNO and ORCA neutrino detectors. We study the potential of these experiments to constrain the matter NSI parameters assuming ten years of data taking of atmospheric neutrinos and find the improved upper bounds on NSI parameters. We investigate how muon neutrino survival probability and tau neutrino appearance probability get modified in the presence of NSI parameters. We present the sensitivity of the DUNE, HK, KNO and ORCA detectors to set bounds on the NSI parameters $\epsilon_{\mu \tau}$, $\mid \epsilon_{\mu \mu} - \epsilon_{\tau \tau} \mid$, $\epsilon_{e \mu }$, $\epsilon_{e \tau}$ and $\mid \epsilon_{\mu \mu} - \epsilon_{e e} \mid $ and find that these experiments have significant sensitivities to constrain these parameter. Moreover, we present the expected allowed contour region in the $\delta_{CP}$ and $\epsilon_{e \alpha}$ plane for $\alpha = \mu, \tau$ assuming NSIs exist.