21-23 October 2022
Lavalse Hotel Busan 2F
Asia/Seoul timezone

Unifying flavor and Dark Matter puzzles with SU(2)D lepton portals

21 Oct 2022, 20:30
Lavalse Hotel Busan 2F

Lavalse Hotel Busan 2F


Adriana Guerrero Menkara


We propose a novel model for lepton flavor and dark matter based on an SU(2)D gauge symmetry and vector-like leptons in their fundamental representations. We introduce a dark SU(2)D Higgs doublet and a Higgs bi-doublet for the mass mixing between the vector-like lepton and the lepton, leading to small seesaw lepton masses. The SU(2)D gauge bosons and the vector-like lepton contribute to the muon g−2 as indicated in Fermilab E989, while the tree-level mass mixing between the Z boson and the new isospin neutral gauge boson (V^0) shifts the W boson mass consistently with the recent Tevatron CDFII measurement. Furthermore, the isospin charged gauge boson of SU(2)D becomes a plausible candidate for dark matter with a small mass splitting dependent on the W boson mass. We find viable parameter space where the favored corrections to the muon g-2, the W boson mass and dark matter constraints are simultaneously fulfilled.

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