21-23 October 2022
Lavalse Hotel Busan 2F
Asia/Seoul timezone

Cosmic-ray-induced Boosted Dark Matter

22 Oct 2022, 11:00
Lavalse Hotel Busan 2F

Lavalse Hotel Busan 2F


Prof. Jong-Chul Park


In this talk, we review boosted dark matter (BDM) production mechanisms via extended dark sectors and charged cosmic rays. Next, we propose a novel dark-matter boosting mechanism by cosmic-ray neutrinos. The new mechanism is so significant that the arriving flux of cosmic-ray neutrino BDM (νBDM) lighter than O(1-10) MeV on Earth is substantially larger than the one of the cosmic-ray electron BDM. Therefore, νBDM can dominantly contribute in direct detection experiments. We derive conservative but still stringent bounds and future sensitivity limits for νBDM from advanced underground dark matter and neutrino experiments such as XENON1T/nT and JUNO.

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