21-23 October 2022
Lavalse Hotel Busan 2F
Asia/Seoul timezone

Positivity bounds for scalar dark matter

22 Oct 2022, 16:00
Lavalse Hotel Busan 2F

Lavalse Hotel Busan 2F


Dr Kimiko Yamashita


We study the positivity bounds implication on dimension-8 Higgs-portal dark matter production in the early universe. The relevant operators are subject to satisfying positivity bounds when the UV physics follows the S-matrix based on the fundamental pillars of quantum field theory. We present how positivity bounds limit the model parameter space of dark matter production and show the interplay from the direct detection constraint on the model parameter space. We also include dark matter and quark interactions as counter terms and revisit dark matter production. The future HL-LHC search on the dark matter production induced by the dimension-8 Higgs portal operators is suggested and demonstrated.

Presentation Materials