6-11 February 2025
Science Hall
Asia/Seoul timezone

Installation Guide

Installing WallGo and DRalgo and Their Dependencies

During the workshop, it is essential to have WallGo and DRalgo pre-installed. Below, you will find a comprehensive guide on where to locate and how to set up these tools on your system.


What and where is WallGo? [GitHub Repository]

WallGo is an open-source code designed for calculating the bubble wall velocity and width during first-order cosmological phase transitions. For more details, refer to the associated scientific article arXiv:2411.04970 and the online documentation (https://wallgo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).

The WallGo project consists of one main Python package and two helper packages:

  1. WallGo: The primary Python package responsible for determining the wall velocity and width. It solves scalar field equations of motion, Boltzmann equations, and energy-momentum conservation for fluid velocity and temperature.

  2. WallGoCollision: A C++ package with Python bindings that performs higher-dimensional integrals to calculate collision terms in the Boltzmann equations. It combines the computational efficiency of C++ with Python usability.

  3. WallGoMatrix: A Mathematica-based package for computing matrix elements relevant to out-of-equilibrium particles. It leverages existing Mathematica packages DRalgo and GroupMath.

What is DRalgo? [GitHub Repository]

DRalgo is a Mathematica package for constructing an effective, dimensionally reduced, high-temperature field theory for various models. It performs next-to-leading-order matching automatically. For further details, consult the public release: arXiv:2205.08815.


To install WallGo and DRalgo, follow the detailed installation instructions provided on their respective GitHub repositories:

Ensure that all dependencies are installed as outlined in the instructions to avoid errors.


If you encounter any installation issues or unexpected behavior:

  1. Submit an issue on the respective GitHub issue tracker:

  2. Alternatively, you can email:

    • philipp.schicho@unige.ch
    • jorinde.van.de.vis@cern.ch

Providing detailed information about the error will help address the problem effectively.

Installing FindBounce

Please install this Mathematica package before the workshop as well, following its installation guide.


Please ensure that all required packages are installed before the workshop. This preparation will allow us to focus more on the physics topics of the workshop.

Happy coding and see you at the workshop!