We present some of the recent developments on natural models for inflation, with a focus on Higgs inflation and hybrid inflation with a pseudo-scalar field. Implications of new symmetry/particles in each of scenarios will be discussed.
In this talk, we present recent highlights from the Belle and Belle II experiments, focusing on the latest progress on flavor anomalies. We also discuss selected results on searches for dark sector from both experiments, including the B and D meson decays to invisible and semi-invisible decays.
We provide a simple but a novel data preprocessing method using a Riemann sphere to utilize a full phase space by decorrelating QCD structure from a kinematics. We can achieve a statistical stability by enlarging the size of testable data set with focusing on QCD structure effectively
I will discuss some cosmological implications of a SUSY B-L model, including dark matter and gravitational waves
In thisIn this talk, I will introduce Yemilab, 1st deep underground laboratory dedicated to science in Korea, and present new particle searches using a large neutrino detector to be proposed at the Yemilab.
I will talk on BSM neutrino interactions, which can be probed by quantum statistics.
We discuss the no-boundary wave function by numerically solving the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. We report some interesting new observations.